Below is a list of the PlugIns that initially come with EZNote and what they do. PlugIns only work on the current text selected.
• Add CRs
Will add return characters after every 60th character. You can change the Maximum Line Length from 60 to whatever you like if you hold down the option key while selecting this PlugIn.
• Capitalize Sentences
Will capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence.
• Capitalize Words
Will Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word.
• Convert %Hex [e.g., %09 = Tab]
This will convert any hex symbols (e.g., “%09”, “%0D”, “%0A”, etc.) into the appropriate character (e.g., “%09” = the tab character, “%0D” = the return character, “%0A” = the linefeed character). This is useful if you receive MIME encoded email which will convert certain characters into the hex symbols.
• Convert CRs to CR/LFs
Will convert every CR (the return character) into a CR/LF (return/line feed) character combination for system such as DOS that use the CR/LF in text files.
• Convert CRs to LFs
Will convert every CR (the return character) into a LF (line feed) character for system such as DOS that use line feeds in text files.
• Convert CRs to 1 CR
Will convert multiple return characters into 1 return character.
• Convert LFs to CRs
Will convert every LF (line feed) into a CR (the return character) character for converting text from systems such as DOS that use line feeds in text files.
• Convert spaces to 1 space
Will convert multiple spaces into one space.
• Convert Spaces to Tab
Will convert space character(s) into a tab (default spaces = 4, to change the default, hold down the option key while selecting this PlugIn).
• Convert Tab to Spaces
Will convert tab character into spaces (default spaces = 4, to change the default, hold down the option key while selecting this PlugIn).
• Email Reply
This will create an email reply for the text selected by adding a ‘>’ character at the beginning of every line and breaking lines at every 75 characters. You can change the Maximum Line Length from 75 and change the ‘>’ character to whatever you like if you hold down the option key while selecting this PlugIn.
• Make lowercase
Will convert selected text to all lowercase.
• Make Smart Quotes
Will convert any " or ' characters into a “” or ‘’ character.
• Make Smart Quotes Dumb
Will convert any “” or ‘’ characters into a " or ' character.
Will convert selected text to all UPPERCASE.
• Phone Letters to Numbers
Will convert any uppercase characters into numbers for phone dialing (e.g., 1-800-CALL-MEE will be converted to 1-800-2255-633).
• Phone Number Dialer
This will produce tones that can actually dial a phone number for you using the internal speaker of your Macintosh (or external speakers if you have any). You must hold the mouth piece of your phone close to the speaker of your Macintosh to be able to use this feature. A phone number will dial only if the first character selected is a number. Also, the comma character will pause dialing for one second.
• Strip <html tags>
This is useful if you receive email and your email program does not know how to display html tags sometimes sent via email. Basically, it removes any text between and including the < and > characters. Here’s an example:
after selecting the text above, and running the Strip <html tags> on it you would get this:
Hello! How are you today?
• Strip Control Characters
Will remove any characters with an ASCII value less than 32 (except for tabs, returns and form feeds).
• Strip CR/LFs
Will remove any line feed characters and will then follow the same rules as Strip CRs (defined below).
• Strip CRs
Will remove the return characters and replace them with spaces only if the next line after a CR does not begin with a space or tab character (and if there are at least 40 characters in the line before the CR). You can change the Minimum Line Length from 40 to whatever you like if you hold down the option key while selecting this PlugIn.
• Strip Leading Spaces
Will remove any spaces from the beginnings of any lines in the selected text.
• Strip LFs
Will remove any line feed characters from the selected text.